We set our price structure to offer a cheap, non-discounted, quality personal service, which is our foundation and commitment to all our customers and the reason we are sustaining and growing our customer base, this is why our customers keep coming back.
There is no greater advertisement than word of mouth, All our customers share their experience with family and friends, this is why we are attracting new customers every day.
Discounts are easy to offer, everyone loves a deal, right!, the deal you are getting at Tommy’s Alterations is an upfront, low priced, quality driven, friendly service that we promote as real value for money.
We have a long-term business plan that will deliver value at all times. Our customer base are not only the foundation of our business, but part of the continual growth and sustainability.
Our web review’s and 5* face book reviews testify what we offer, so thanks for every single one of them, please continue to not only like us, but share our posts with all your family and friends.