The Good. Anything in your wardrobe will look better on you when it actually fits. Sleeve length, excess blousing around the torso, and too much/little room in the seat of the pants can all be adjusted to a certain degree. It’s very likely that you can salvage many of the ill-fitting garments in your wardrobe by simply having them altered to fit at Tommy’s Alterations.
The Bad. Our Customer base know the cost of making all the needed alterations to a garment may very well exceed what you paid for it due in part to the lack of skilled seamstresses and tailors out there and poor service. Also, some parts of a garment can’t be fixed or adjusted past a certain point. A jacket that’s two inches too short often cannot be lengthened because of either the lack of fabric and/or the structural build of the garment does not allow it. Now there are always exceptions- At Tommy’s Alterations we will be open and honest about our customer’s expectations, however, sometimes we have worked miracles and on the other hand we are not disappointed to say “no it cannot be done”.
The Ugly – No Business is going to admit they are bad at clothing Alterations; instead, some of our customers have shared their bad experiences using other Alteration services in and around East Kilbride. They have been made promises they could not keep, missing deadline after deadline trying to figure out how to tackle your problem or even fix the incorrect alteration they carried out, not answer or returning calls.
Tommy’s Alterations 3 Ingredients of a Successful Alteration
There are three things that make any clothing alteration successful:
1) We have the skill level to carry out the work.
2) We are Open and honest with our customers on whether or not the garment has the fabric for the alteration and what to expect once altered.
3) We always take into account how the alteration will affect the garment’s proportions.