Sure, you love fashion. But did you know how big the fashion and textiles industry in the UK actually is? Here’s 10 need-to-know facts about our most stylish sector…
1. It employs and champions loads of women! 70% of people who work in the UK fashion industry are female and half of all workers are under the age of 30.
2. It contributes an impressive £21 billion to the British economy, according to the‘Value of the UK Fashion Industry’ report commissioned by the British Fashion Council.
3. In total, approximately 816,000 people work in the UK fashion industry.
4. It makes a lot of money. At London Fashion Week alone, orders of £100million are place each season.
5. It has continued to grow, despite out faltering economy. Sales of UK designer fashion have risen by around 20% a year in the last decade and currently sit between £2.5 and £2.9 billion.
6. The supply and manufacturing side of the UK fashion and textiles sectors makes £11.8 billion a year AND makes up for 79,000 businesses and 340,000 jobs.
7. Wages in the UK fashion education sector reached £16 million in 2009.
8. It takes British creativity all over the world. Fore example, a record 321 British womenswear, accessory and shoe designers exhibited in Paris during March 2014 as part of Paris Fashion Week.
9. We want what it has to offer. British shoppers spend almost £55 billion a year on the high street.
10. The UK is the third-largest fashion employer in the EU surpassed only by Italy and Germany.
Sources: The ‘Value of the UK Fashion Industry’ report commissioned by the British Fashion Council,, UK Fashion and Textile Association.